The information contained in this Whitepaper is provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be construed as a prospectus, offer document, solicitation for investment, or an offer to sell any product, digital asset, or item. It is not intended to create any contractual relationship, and neither the accuracy nor completeness of the information is guaranteed. Any information sourced from third parties has not been independently verified. Please note that circumstances may change, rendering the Whitepaper outdated, and there is no obligation on the part of the Company or Distributor to update or correct it. The content herein is for community discussion purposes only and is not legally binding. No individual is obligated to enter into any contract or legal commitment based on this Whitepaper. The purchase or holding of QUJI tokens is subject to separate Terms and Conditions or a Token Purchase Agreement, which take precedence over any information provided in the Whitepaper in case of inconsistencies. The descriptions of future development goals for the QUJICOIN platform are conceptual and do not constitute a binding commitment. The project roadmap outlined herein is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee the development, release, or timing of any products or features. It is important not to base purchasing decisions solely on the information presented in this Whitepaper, as the development and timing of products are subject to change at the discretion of the Company, Distributor, or their affiliates. The Whitepaper may be amended or replaced without notice, and recipients have no obligation to receive additional information beyond what is provided herein. No regulatory authority has formally examined or approved the information in this Whitepaper, and its publication does not imply compliance with any laws or regulations. Therefore, individuals should conduct their own research and consult with appropriate advisors before making any investment decisions.
Last updated