🔏Token Release and Vesting Schedule

9.5. Token Release and Vesting Schedule

To avoid sudden sell-offs immediately after the launch of QUJI coin, which might disrupt its market value, and encourage long-term investing and stability, we employ a meticulously crafted token vesting schedule, as follows:

Team & Founders:

Cliff: 12 months

Vesting: 4 years with monthly vesting after the cliff

Early Investors:

Cliff: 6 months

Vesting: 2 years with quarterly vesting after the cliff


Cliff: 6 months

Vesting: 1 year with monthly vesting after the cliff

Marketing & Partnerships:

Cliff: 3 months

Vesting: 2 years with monthly vesting after the cliff

Community & Ecosystem:

Cliff: None

Vesting: Distributed according to specific programs and incentives over 3 years


Cliff: None

Vesting: Managed by governance, typically used over 5 years for ecosystem growth

Key Limiting Factors (Important Terms):

Cliff Period: The initial period where tokens are locked and not accessible. This helps prevent sudden sell-offs and encourages long-term commitment.

Example: 12-month cliff for Team & Founders, which means the team and founders cannot access their coins for 12 months.

Vesting Period: The total duration over which tokens are gradually released to stakeholders. Longer vesting periods promote stability and discourage pump-and-dump scenarios.

Example: 4-year vesting for Team & Founders, which means tokens will be released monthly over four years.

Vesting Frequency: The number of times tokens are released within the vesting period. It can be monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Example: Monthly vesting for Team & Founders, meaning coins will be released monthly over the vesting period.

Unlocking Mechanisms: Defines whether tokens are released linearly (constant rate) or on specific milestones.

Example: Linear monthly vesting for Team & Founders, with each month releasing a portion of the total vested tokens.

Distribution Control: Ensures proper governance and management of unlocked tokens, especially for community programs or reserves.

Example: Community & Ecosystem distribution managed through defined programs; Treasury/Reserve overseen by governance mechanisms.

Transparency & Communication: Regular updates on the vesting process to maintain investor confidence and stakeholder trust.

Example: Quarterly reports or public dashboards showing the vesting progress and token distribution status.

Last updated